use master -- ================================================ -- Template generated from Template Explorer using: -- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL -- -- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters -- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter -- values below. -- -- This block of comments will not be included in -- the definition of the procedure. -- ================================================ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: mayb -- Create date: 2015-03-11 -- Description: 根据条件查询数据库存储过程 -- ============================================= alter PROCEDURE prop_GetProps @DbName nvarchar(100), --数据库名称 @Name nvarchar(100), --存储过程名称 @Definition nvarchar(500), --存储过程主体 @BTcreate_date nvarchar(20), --存储过程创建时间 @ETcreate_date nvarchar(20), --存储过程创建时间 @BTmodify_date nvarchar(20), --存储过程修改时间 @ETmodify_date nvarchar(20), --存储过程修改时间 @startIndex int, --开始索引 @endIndex int, --结束索引 @recordCount int output --检索的数据总数 /* declare @recordCount int exec prop_GetProps '','','','','','','',1,999999,@recordCount print @recordCount */ AS BEGIN --查询条件 declare @where varchar(max)='' --分页索引 declare @pagingWhere varchar(max)= ' where rowNum between '+CAST(@startIndex as varchar(10))+' and '+CAST(@endIndex as varchar(10))+'' --结果数 declare @countSql nvarchar(max)='' --查询的SQL declare @sql varchar(max)='' --如果起始索引是1的时候,创建新的视图 if(@startIndex=1) begin print @startIndex if(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE name = 'view_Props')) begin drop view view_Props end if(@DbName!='') begin set @sql='select,a.[type],a.create_date,a.modify_date,b.[definition],'''+@DbName+''' as dbname from ['+@DbName+'].sys.all_objects a,['+@DbName+'].sys.sql_modules b where a.is_ms_shipped=0 and a.object_id = b.object_id and a.[type] in (''P'',''V'',''AF'')' end else begin --select dbid,name from master..sysdatabases where dbid>4 declare @dbid int declare @maxdbid int select @dbid = min(dbid),@maxdbid=max(dbid) from master..sysdatabases where dbid>4 while @dbid is not null begin select @DbName=name from master..sysdatabases where dbid = @dbid set @sql+='(select,a.[type],a.create_date,a.modify_date,b.[definition],'''+@DbName+''' as dbname from ['+@DbName+'].sys.all_objects a,['+@DbName+'].sys.sql_modules b where a.is_ms_shipped=0 and a.object_id = b.object_id and a.[type] in (''P'',''V'',''AF''))' if(@dbid != @maxdbid) begin set @sql+=' union all ' end select @dbid = min(dbid) from master..sysdatabases where dbid > @dbid end end set @sql='create view view_Props as '+@sql exec(@sql) end set @countSql='select @recordCount=count(*) from view_Props where 1=1' set @sql='select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by name asc) as rowNum,* from view_Props where 1=1' if(@Name!='') begin set @where+=' and name like ''%'+@Name+'%'' ' end if(@Definition!='') begin set @where+=' and definition like ''%'+@Definition+'%'' ' end if(@BTcreate_date!='' and @ETcreate_date!='') begin set @where+=' and create_date > '''+@BTcreate_date+''' and create_date < '''+@ETcreate_date+'''' end else begin if(@BTcreate_date!='') begin set @where +=' and create_date > '''+@BTcreate_date+'''' end if(@ETcreate_date!='') begin set @where +=' and create_date < '''+@ETcreate_date+'''' end end if(@BTmodify_date!='' and @ETmodify_date!='') begin set @where+=' and modify_date > '''+@BTmodify_date+''' and modify_date < '''+@ETmodify_date+'''' end else begin if(@BTmodify_date!='') begin set @where +=' and modify_date > '''+@BTmodify_date+'''' end if(@ETmodify_date!='') begin set @where +=' and modify_date < '''+@ETmodify_date+'''' end end set @countSql+=@where set @sql+=@where set @sql='select * from ('+@sql+') as t '+@pagingWhere exec(@sql) exec sp_executesql @countSql,N'@recordCount int out',@recordCount out END GO